Monday, August 26, 2013
Invitation to free new website that helps moms better manage their kids’ group activities
Hello Mommies,
I am a fellow member of the Mommies Network and the creator of a new website called
Podanize, which helps moms, dads and group leaders better organize their kids'
group activities (e.g. soccer, scouts, school classes, etc.)
Kids today are overscheduled, and keeping up is a challenge:
• What day did I volunteer at school to go read with the kids?
• Who is driving to the scout meeting?
• When am I signed up to bring the team's snacks?
These are just a few of the many little details that busy parents have to keep straight.
Try as we might, something inevitably falls through the cracks. We all need a little help
to stay organized.
I’d like to invite you to join our brand new website. To join, just go to http:// and click Get Started to create a "Pod" for any real-world group, or
even just your family for now. You can create a Pod if you’re a group leader or a group
member. It’s quick, easy and free. Then "get your Pod going" by adding discussions
or events, and inviting others to join your Pod. Podanize can also be accessed via a
mobile browser, and our mobile app will be available in late 2013.
Our mission at Podanize is to help ease the stress that comes with keeping our
kids active and involved. To this end, we welcome any feedback you have. Podanize
is for you and is built to get better over time by adding your suggestions – I’d love
to hear from you. Also, if you know of other moms (or dads) who might benefit from
Podanize, please share this with them.
Podanize is ideal for all extra-curricular activities: soccer, little league, playgroups, scout
troops, swim teams, theater groups, school classes, PTA, etc. The list is endless and
includes anything with a need for ongoing communication and coordination.
Again, just go to to get started.
Nikki Sacks
Co-Founder of Podanize
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